Thursday, 29 March 2018

Researches States the Present status of DNA Vaccines As New Generation Vaccines

Not yet a Reality!

 Vaccination is the phenomenon of preventive immunization. In the modern concept, the administration (injection or oral) of antigen to elicit an antibody response that will protect the organism against future infections. "It took nearly 100 years for the scientist to clearly understand the basis of small pox immunity."

We now know that cowpox viruses (vaccinia) inoculated by Jenner, stimulate the body's immune system to produce antibodies which neutralize the cowpox as well as small pox viruses. The present day vaccines which are more refined work in a similar fashion.

Many communicable diseases ( small pox, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis) have been brought under the control through vaccination. However, as on today, for several diseases, there are no vaccines e.g., AIDS, leprosy, filariasis.

Recombinant DNA technology in recent years, has become a boon to produce new generation vaccines. It has very stringent regulatory requirements to use in humans, these are first tried in animals, and it may take some more years before most of them are approved for use in humans.

"India is the fourth country ( after USA, France and Belgium) in the world to develop an indigenous hepatitis B vaccine. It was launched in 1997, and is now being used."  Biotechnologists have been successful in inserting hepatitis B gene into tomato plant. These genetically engineered plants produce hepatitis B antigens. The day may not be far off to get immunized against hepatitis B by having a tomato with Lunch!

Genetic Immunization 

The immune response in the body was stimulated by DNA molecule. Genetic immunization by using a DNA vaccines is a novel approach that came into being in 1990. By screening the DNA fragments of the pathogenic genome, it is possible to choose one or few DNA vaccines that can offer maximal immune protection.

Edible plant DNA vaccines serve as a cheap and safe production systems. The first clinical trials in humans, using a plant-derived vaccine were conducted in 1997. This involved the ingestion of transgenic potatoes with a toxin of E.coli causing diarrhea. Some success was reported.

The fate of the DNA vaccine in the host cells is not yet clear. There is a possibility of this DNA getting integrated into the host genome and this may interrupt the normal functions. There also exists a danger of cancer due to DNA vaccines.

Potato is also used as a vechicle foe cholera vaccine. A group workers have developed a gene altered potato containing attenuated cholera vaccine. These potatoes when fed to mice induced immunity against cholera.

Importance of Vaccines

Vaccine primes the body to attack an infecting pathogen. The body develops immunity. Infectious diseases are prevented. Certain diseases are treated. Eg. Diptheria, tetanus etc. Snake bite is treated . Small pox, polio, etc. are eradicated from humans by vaccines. No need for booster dose.



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