Wednesday, 10 January 2018


All dinosaurs have died out !!

When scientists says that dinosaurs didn’t survived in asteroids they are mostly referring to the large dinosaurs. The massive terrestrial creatures still can handle all the environmental changes. The one important group of the dinosaurs found a way to survive acid rain global firestorms and mega tsunamis. We are sure to say then from the early bird groups that survived. we now have around 10000 species of birds. Descendants of dinosaurs managed to get smaller and smaller over time thus adapting different surroundings after the asteroids destroy. Some went from more than 150 kg to less than one kilogram in size. So not all dinosaurs died out and some or still with us!!

1. Is they are really huge?!

Because of the spieberg’s Jurassic park and other pop-culture representations we tend to imagine all the dinosaurs were huge animals. Of course it is partially true because the word dinosaurs means which was extremely big. One of the most famous example is definitely the Tyrannosaurus Rex weigh about  5 tons and has limbs of 12 meter length. The interesting thing is the tyrannosaurus wasn’t the biggest one. The argentinosaurus was probably 30 meters long and weighed around 80 tons. They were the largest animals but on the other hand there were the numerous species that are really small dinosaurs. The velociraptor was even smaller-the size of a German shepard.
which is a carnivorous

2. Does dinosaurs lived with humans?

These sounds actually tricky right! 

As this is very hard to believe many people proposed the theory that humans and dinosaurs actually coexisted. It is false because you would find that they died out a long time ago, really long long ago and we know that the first human started showing around 6 million years ago. Even I we hypothetically imagined that the famous asteroid never hit the earth destroying and that they survived we stillwouldn’t have lived with them. In the age of the dinosaurs mammals also very small and grown bigger much later. They simply wouldn’t have been enough room for smaller species to develop. However, recently national geographic evolution articles stating the new studies opposing the idea that the primates and the dinosaurs may have coexisted. There is a new technique that is used to reconstruct the course of animal evolution that the animals that have gave rise to the primates have lived 9 million years ago. Primates and dinosaurs could have overlapped, on the other side, we as humans live with many animals that descended from dinosaurs such as reptiles and birds. Even the humming birds can be recommended for.

3. Is dinosaurs are the larger lizards?

The name dinosaurs literally means “terrible lizard”. able to stand on their legs which were positioned directly under their bodies that are perpendicular to the ground. Therefore as  you see  closely the dinosaurs are more connected to birds then lizards. The name stocks taxonomy was being developed as a branch of science , we simply didn’t know about evolution.
The dinosaurs are in fact are not the lizards, lizards are reptiles and they share common ancestors with dinosaurs but they are not the same. Dinosaurs and reptiles are very close as they came from the same source but this only be partially true just because they have same ancestors doesn’t make that dinosaurs and lizards are the same things. Many physiological differences that support this claim dinosaurs

4. Is dinosaurs died out instantly?

We all know the famous story that  somewhere around 65 million  years ago an asteroid hit the earth and wiped out all the dinosaurs, but it didn’t happened like that. The demise of the dinosaurs was slow and painful. Dinosaurs have already been living on a different planet, climate-wise. After the impact it took more than 30,000 years for all the dinosaurs to die out. When asteroid came it affected the earth so much that entire ecosystems were destroyed and most dinosaurs basically started to die because of the changes in the  food chain.

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