Friday 13 April 2018

Save your DNA for future Generations

DNA in the diagnosis of Genetic diseases

Traditional laboratory tests for the diagnosis of genetic diseases are mostly based on the estimation of metabolites and/ or enzymes. This is usually done after the onset of symptoms. 

The laboratory test based on DNA analysis can specifically diagnose the inherited diseases at the genetic level. DNA based tests are useful to discover, well in advance , whether the individuals or their offsprings are at risk for any genetic disease. Further, such tests can also be employed for the prenatal diagnosis of hereditary diseases.

By knowing the genetic basis of the diseases, the individuals can be advised on how to limit the transmission of the disease to their offsprings. It may also be possible , in due course of time, to treat genetic diseases by appropriate gene therapies.

Theoretically, it is possible to develop screening tests for all single gene diseases, some of the genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell anemia, Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, Huntington's disease, Fragile X syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Cancers, Diabetes, Deafness, Glaucoma, Baldness, Parkinson's disease, Hemochromatosis, Menke's disease etc.,

A Novel concept of Gene Bank

As the search continues by scientists for the identification of more and more genes responsible for various diseases, the enlightened public, is very keen to enjoy the fruits of this research outcome. As of now, DNA probes are available for a large number of genetically predisposed disorders.

Gene banks are the centres for the storage of individual's DNAs for the future use to diagnose diseases. For this purpose, the DNA isolated from a person's cells( usually white blood cells) is stored. As and when a DNA probe for the detection of a specific disease is available, the stored DNA can be used for the diagnosis or risk assessment of the said genetic disease.

Infact, some institutions have established gene banks. They store the DNA samples of the interested customers at a fee( one firm was charging 200 dollars) for a specific period ( say around 20-25 years). For the risk assessment of any disease,  it is advisable to have the DNAs from close relatives of atleast 2-3 generations.

The collection of DNA fragments ( specifically genes) from a particular species represents gene libraries. The creation or construction of gene libraries is accomplished by isolating the complete genome which is cut into fragments , and  cloned in suitable vectors. Then the specific clone carrying the desired( target) DNA can be identified, isolated and characterized. In this manner,  a library of genes or clones (appropriately considered as gene bank)  for an entire genome of a species can be constructed.

Biotechnologists are particularly interested in the isolation of genes which encode for proteins.
Gene banks exist to conserve the genetic diversity of wild and domesticated organisms that humans depend on for food, fiber, medicine and energy.

Over 7 million plant germplasm accessions are housed in 1750 national and international gene banks. Most accessions are poorly characterized; few are ever used.

Grand challenges of DNA Bank

  1. Population and income growth
  2.  Land and water resources
  3. climate change
  4. Nutrition, Health, Biosafety
  5. Sustainability


Thursday 5 April 2018

Do you ever thought about your childrens as the specimens to be improved?

"Sometimes, we think why some people have high IQ and high intelligence are important in improving the society. Some might think can it happen when we change Genetic qualities of an individually."

Actually, Eugenics played a important role in these idea when social scientists thought about the nation's economic reasons. They thought Only healthy persons are fit to live in this society and diseased are not


Eugenics is the science of improving human race based on Genetics. Improving the traits of plants and animals through breeding programmes has been in practice for centuries.

Eugenics is highly controversial subject due to social, ethical and political reasons. The proponents of eugenics argue that people with desirable and good traits ( Good blood) should reproduce while those with undesirable characters ( bad blood ) should not. The advocates of Eugenics, however, do not force any policy, but they try to convince the people to perform their duty voluntarily. The objective of eugenics is to limit the production of people who are unfit to live in the society.

 System of Arranged marriages

Galton sociologist
Galton in Hereditary Genius (1869), proposed the system of Arranged marriages , between the men of distinction and women of wealth would eventually produce the gifted race. In 1865, the basic laws of heredity were discovered by the father of modern genetics, Gregor mendel . During the early 1990s , eugenics become a scientific study pursued by both biologists and social scientists. They sought to determine the extent to which human characteristics of social importance were inherited.



Eugenics in Nazi Germany

Germany developed its own eugenic programme during 1930s. A law on eugenic sterilization was passed in 1933. In a span of three years, compulsory sterilization was done on about 250,000 people, who allegdly suffered from hereditary disabilities, feeble mindedness, epilepsy, Schizophrenia, blindness, physical deformities, and drug or alcohol addiction.

The German Government commited many attrocities in the name of racial purity. Other countries, however do not support this kind of eugenics.

Antieugenics sentiment

Eugenics was dropped from organization and Publication names. The U.S department of health, education and welfare proposed guidelines encouraging each state to repeal their respective sterilization laws. Other countries, most notably china , continued to support Eugenics directed  programs openly in order to ensure the Genetic makeup of their future.

Let's see how humans are playing with the nature and what are the outcomes if eugenic research on humans continue one day.

A Photograph showing eugenic family

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