Cancer is the leading cause of death throughout the world
Oncogenes are the genes that are responsible for cancer. some people have an increased risk of particular types of cancer because they have an inherited gene fault.
Genes are coded messages that tells cells how to behave. They control how our bodies grow and develop. we each have about 25000 genes.
All cancers develop because
something has gone wrong with one or more of the genes in a cell. A change in a
gene is called a ‘fault’ or ‘mutation’. Usually a cell must have 6 or more gene faults
before it becomes cancerous.
These faults can make a cell stop working properly. It may then become cancerous and divide and grow uncontrollably. Most gene changes happens during our life time but some can be inherited from the parents.
We've all wondered whether an ache or pain could be the sign of
something more sinister. For most of us it's a fleeting worry, quickly
forgotten when the symptom disappears. For hypochondriacs, however, that sense
of anxiety never goes away. Then there's psychosomatic illness: when people
unconsciously think themselves ill.
'I think I've probably thought I had cancer in nearly every part of my body, from skin cancer, breast cancer, bone cancer, lymphoma, leukaemia. I also sometimes worry about other conditions like MS or motor neurone disease, meningitis, septicaemia ... but cancer is the biggest worry that I have '
Something is happening in the brain, but we don't understand it yet.'
These faults can make a cell stop working properly. It may then become cancerous and divide and grow uncontrollably. Most gene changes happens during our life time but some can be inherited from the parents.
Cancers due to inherited faulty
genes are much less common than cancers due to gene changes caused by aging or
other factors. Most cancers develop because of a combination of chance and our
environment, not because we have inherited a specific cancer gene.
Genetics specialists estimate that
only about 2 or 3 in every 100 cancers
diagnosed (2 to 3%) are linked to an inherited gene fault.
diagnosed (2 to 3%) are linked to an inherited gene fault.
'I think I've probably thought I had cancer in nearly every part of my body, from skin cancer, breast cancer, bone cancer, lymphoma, leukaemia. I also sometimes worry about other conditions like MS or motor neurone disease, meningitis, septicaemia ... but cancer is the biggest worry that I have '
'Everything that happens to us, like
crying and laughter, is a physical response to an emotional thing,''When we laugh, our diaphragm contracts and our breathing changes and our
muscles in our face scrunch up and tears come from our eyes.'
Gene therapy for cancer
Advances in biochemistry and molecular biology have helped to understand the genetic basis of inherited diseases. It was the dream of the researchers to replace the defective genes with good ones and cure the genetic disorder.
Initial experiments on gene therapy are carried out in animals, then in humans. obviously, the goal of the researches is to benefit the mankind & improve their health.
Anti sense therapy
The dominantly acting oncogenes can be targeted in antisense technology by using antisense transgenes or oligonucleotides. Antisense oligonucleotides are used for the treatment of myeloid leukemia in as early as 1991.
This an be done by blocking the translation of target mRNA and inhibits the protein synthesis which is responsible for cell division.
Anitsense mRNA therapy was tried for the treatment of a brain tumour namely malignant glioma and cancer of prostate gland.
Theoritically, gene therapy is the permanent solution for genetic disorders. But it is not as simple as it appears since gene therapy has several inbuilt complexcities. The story does not ends by replacing oncogenes with new genes.
"It is absolutely essential to ensure that the gene is harmless to the patient and it is appropriately expressed "
" Too much or too little will be no good"
Another concern in gene therapy is the body's immune system which reacts to the foreign proteins produced by the new genes.
" The public in general have an exaggerated expectations on gene therapy. The researchers,atleast for the present,are unable to satisfy them".
Enzyme therapy for cancer!!
Despite the treatment strategies"surgery, chemotherapy ,radiation therapy ". Gene therapy is the latest and new approach for cancer treatment. Although as per the records, by 1999 about 1000 Americans had undergone clinical trials involving various gene therapies.
" Unfortunately, the gene therapists are unable to categorically claim that gene"
Researches have noticed for years a correspondence between low levels of enzymes and cancer.
In fact enzyme therapy has been used with good results against cancers in Europe, and by some doctors in the united states to literally digest cancer cells.
In the early 1900's a doctor in Wales, John Beard discovered that pancreatic enzymes destroyed cancer cells.
Cancer cells come from stem cells that become uncontrolled stem cells. He noticed that the fetal pancreas starts working and secreting enzymes at the 56th day of gestation.
Beard, wondered why did the pancreas in the fetus started working so early?. He noticed that the day the pancreas started producing enzymes was the day the placenta stopped growing.The enzymes stopped this rapid growth.
His theory about enzymes and cancer was that many placental cells remain in our body. When these mispaced placental cell remain in our body. "When these misplaced placental cells get lost and can start growing, turning cancerous if you don't have enough pancreatic enzymes."
By the way, the medical community thought Dr.Beard was crazy. Now a 100 years later, technologies has confirmed there are these cells.
In 1911 he tested pancreatic enzymes for stopping cancer in mice and it worked. Unfortunately, very high amounts of supplemental enzymes must be used to have much effectiveness.
The major reason enzyme levels become depleted is that we eat mostly processed, irradiated and cooked food.
The digestive system was designed to process raw food. When you eat cooked, irradiated and processed foods, the enzymes have been killed; the food doesn't predigest in the upper stomach.
The thing happens is pancreas must make extra enzymes to try and breakdown the food. The pancreas after years of producing excessive amounts of digestive enzymes, get its enzyme production signalling out of balance and doesn't produce enough of proteolytic enzymes that are used to digest cancer cells, pathogens, toxins, fibirin in the arteries, and scar tissue.
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